2024-2025 Miami Dade College Transfer Guide

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College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts

FIU c4S Logo


Admission Requirements

  • Academic Progression Standards
    • Complete Associate in Arts (AA) degree
    • Complete all prerequisites with grade of C or higher
    • Cumulative Transfer GPA: 2.0 or higher
    • Complete the 4 foundation courses below with GPA: 2.5 or higher
    • Complete the 4 foundation courses below in two attempts or fewer
      • Drop/Withdrawal grades are considered attempts
    • Foundation Courses
      • ART 1201C  
      • ART 1203C  
      • ART 2300C  
      • ART 2330C 

Special Notes


MDC Course

FIU Course

    1. ARH 2050 Art History 1
      ARH 2050
    2. ARH 2051 Art History 2
      ARH 2051
        1. ART 1201C Basic Design
          ART 1201C
        2. OR
        3. ART 1202C Two-Dimensional Design
          ART 1201C
        4. OR
        5. ART 1205C Color and Composition 1
          ART 1201C
        1. ART 1203C Three-Dimensional Design
          ART 1203C
          1. ART 1300C Drawing
            ART 2300C
          2. ART 1330C Figure Drawing
            ART 2330C
          1. ART STUDIO ELECTIVES (6 Credits)*
            1. ART 2XXX
              Art Studio Elective
            2. ART 2XXX
              Art Studio Elective
            3. *Complete two additional courses with ART prefix (2000-level).